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Adding front end CSS and JavaScript ​

ApostropheCMS approaches CSS and client-side JavaScript by trying to taking care of as much of the hard parts as possible. To that end, the developers main job is to put their SCSS and client-side JavaScript into ui/src/index.scss and ui/src/index.js files in the relevant module. Apostrophe will then:

  • Compile SCSS from *.scss files to CSS
  • Optionally use Babel to automatically compile modern JavaScript into an Internet Explorer 11-compatible form
  • Interpret all import statements and deliver the code to browsers in one CSS and one JavaScript file, either:
    • with the editing UI if the browser is logged in, or
    • without the editing UI if logged out

Placing client-side code ​

SCSS and JavaScript files need to be placed in any module's ui/src/index.scss and ui/src/index.js files, or files imported from them. You can put client-side code in a single module directory (e.g., using import statements) or spread it across many modules.

For example, if we had a global SCSS file, site.scss, we might create an asset module for this purpose and place the SCSS file at:


We would also need to activate the module in app.js like any other.

We could instead add code for an individual widget type as shown in the custom widget guide. That example's JavaScript code was placed at:



If you have your own build process using something like webpack or Gulp, you will want to push the output of your process to a ui/public folder instead.

In this case, the assets module may not have any additional code and even may not have an index.js file (though it certainly could). As long as it is instantiated in apps.js, the client-side assets will be found.

Client side code will be recompiled when the app starts up or if the build task runs. Tools like nodemon are helpful to watch for code changes and restart the app for automatic recompiling. The CLI command to run the build task manually is node app @apostrophecms/asset:build.

Executing your JavaScript code in the right order ​

If you spread the client-side code across modules, it will be imported in the order they are instantiated in app.js. For example, let's say you have JavaScript files in modules/sing-widget/ui/src/index.js and modules/dance-widget/ui/src/index.js.

The sing-widget sings:

export default () => {
  // `modules/sing-widget/ui/public/singing.js

And the dance-widget dances:

export default () => {
  // `modules/dance-widget/ui/public/dancing.js

If your module's configuration in app.js includes this:

// app.js
'sing-widget': {},
'dance-widget': {},

The output will sing before it dances. If the modules are instantiated in the opposite order:

// app.js
'dance-widget': {},
'sing-widget': {},

the output will dance before it sings.

Why do I have to export a function?

A funny thing about JavaScript import statements: they don't guarantee any order in which the files are loaded. To fix that, Apostrophe requires you to export a function from each ui/src/index.js file so that it can call them in the order the modules are initialized.

Ordering the SCSS files ​

Rules found in or imported by ui/src/index.scss files are compiled in the order the modules are activated in app.js.

The starter-kit-essentials boilerplate

The Apostrophe starter-kit-essentials boilerplate takes advantage of ui/src in exactly the same way. The asset module contains ui/src/index.js and ui/src/index.scss files, which Apostrophe automatically discovers.

Supporting Internet Explorer 11 ​

Internet Explorer 11 is going away soon, but for now at least some projects still require support for it.

By default, Apostrophe does not guarantee that code written in modern JavaScript in ui/src/index.js files will run in Internet Explorer 11. However, you can turn on support by setting the es5: true option of the @apostrophecms/asset module:

// modules/@apostrophecms/asset/index.js
module.exports = {
  options: {
    es5: true

This configures Apostrophe to compile two JavaScript bundles: one for Internet Explorer 11 users, and one for everyone else. The Internet Explorer 11 bundle contains code compiled with babel in order to add support for missing features, as well as polyfills for missing functions.

That makes the bundle larger, but Apostrophe serves a separate, small and fast bundle to non-IE11 users, so there is no performance penalty for them.

Internet Explorer 11 limitations

Apostrophe uses babel's @babel/preset-env module to provide as much support as possible for JavaScript language features, including promises, async/await and more. However, Apostrophe does not provide polyfills for all browser API features, and some, such as Observable, cannot be implemented for Internet Explorer 11. Apostrophe also does not attempt to fix the limitations of CSS in Internet Explorer 11. And the most important limitation is that Apostrophe's editing interface is not available in Internet Explorer 11. You should test your sites thoroughly in all browsers you intend to support.

Using your own build process ​

Apostrophe's built-in ui/src feature is very handy, and sufficient for most sites. And if it isn't quite powerful enough, you can extend it to meet your needs. In most cases that is the best way forward.

However, if after reading that guide you still wish to create your own build process,then you'll want to take a different path. This is where ui/public comes in.

The basic idea is that your build process should produce just one output .js file, and possibly a .css file too. Then you can feed those into Apostrophe by creating a generic module, like asset, and configuring your own build process to write its output to modules/asset/ui/public/index.js and modules/asset/ui/public/index.css.

The ui/public folder ​

ui/public is similar to ui/src, with one important difference: Apostrophe imports the code exactly "as-is." Similar like ui/src, a ui/public folder can exist in any number of modules. However unlike ui/src its contents are concatenated into the asset bundle that Apostrophe creates, with no compilation or interpretation of any kind. This makes it perfect for the output of your own build process.

Here's how it works in a typical project with its own build process:

  • The project's JavaScript and styles are in a src folder at the root of the project, which always contains at least index.js and often index.scss as starting points, assuming that SCSS files are part of your build process.
  • The dev npm script in package.json runs your build process. If you're using webpack, that script might compile src/index.js and src/index.scss according to the rules in webpack.config.js.
  • At the end of the build, the bundled assets are written to modules/asset/ui/public/sites.js.
  • Any .js files Apostrophe finds in the ui/public folder of any module are automatically included in the asset bundle served to the visitor.
  • Whenever code changes are made, nodemon automatically restarts this cycle and refreshes the browser after a successful restart.

But you don't have to use SCSS, webpack or any other specifics mentioned here, except for pushing the output into a ui/public folder so that Apostrophe can find it. You can follow whatever process works best for you or your organization.

What about other static assets for my module? ​

If you have a need for static asset files like images and would like to ship them with individual modules, see the advanced topic static module assets.