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Migration from Apostrophe 3 to Apostrophe 4


Apostrophe’s admin UI is built on the Vue UI framework. Until the 4.x release of Apostrophe, it was built on Vue 2.x, which has reached its official end of life. That means there will be no more free upstream support for Vue 2.x from the Vue development team. So, we have migrated ApostropheCMS to the fully supported Vue 3.x release. This ensures ongoing support and also allows admin UI developers to follow new and improved practices when coding with Vue.

Of course, we recognize that our customers’ code needs to be safe and secure and reliable in the meantime. Therefore we have committed to provide fixes or workarounds for any critical security issues with Vue 2.x until April 2025. However in practice Vue security issues have been very rare because security is primarily the responsibility of the server (Apostrophe) and not the client (Vue).

As part of releasing Vue 3 support, we updated the major version number of Apostrophe from 3.x to 4.x. While the differences are minor for most projects, we updated the major version number to ensure we follow semantic versioning best practices, avoiding any inconvenience for customers who have written custom admin UI code that requires modification. However, most projects will not require any modification to work with 4.x other than changing versions in package.json.

There are no changes in Apostrophe 4.x other than the use of Vue 3 for the admin interfaces.

We will support Apostrophe 3.x (which is based on Vue 2.x) until April 2025. But since the migration to 4.x is straightforward and our new efforts will be focused there, 3.x support will increasingly be a matter of security fixes only. Therefore it is recommended that all developers migrate to 4.x.

How to upgrade your project

After upgrading Apostrophe will work exactly the same, except as explicitly noted below. You’ll want to make these changes together, and follow them with a single npm update command.

  • In package.json, change your dependency on apostrophe to ^4.0.0.

  • Make similar changes for the following modules, if you use them.

    • @apostrophecms-pro/data-set: change to ^2.0.0.
    • @apostrophecms-pro/document-versions: change to ^2.0.0.
    • @apostrophecms-pro/doc-template-library: change to ^2.0.0.
    • @apostrophecms-pro/palette: change to ^4.0.0.
    • @apostrophecms-pro/signup: change to ^2.0.0.
    • @apostrophecms-pro/advanced-permission: change to ^3.0.0. Note this is based on the ^2.0.0 series, so if you were used to the ^1.0.0 series review the documentation for more information about what will change with this upgrade.
  • Run the npm update command. This is necessary to ensure other modules receive required minor or patchlevel version updates.

For those who have not customized our admin UI

If you have not created custom admin UI field types, overridden various admin UI Vue components, or otherwise created any code in ui/apos subdirectories of your modules, then you are done. Your project has been upgraded and will work exactly as before. As with any upgrade, we recommend QA in your staging environment before a production release.

Just to be clear… front end code in ui/src folders does not have to change at all. And of course server side code is entirely unaffected by this change.


No custom admin UI code? You’re done! 🎉 You can stop here and start testing the results.

For those who have customized our admin UI

The changes to be made in ui/apos are surprisingly few in all. Most existing admin UI code can run without modification. Familiar Vue 2 features like single-file components, traditional component structure and mix-ins are still 100% supported by Vue 3.

But, often some smaller changes are necessary. Here are the most frequently encountered concerns:

Vue components: stylesheets


In Apostrophe, admin UI components are found in ui/apos/components subdirectories. Check for such subdirectories in your own project-level code before continuing. If you don’t have any, you can move on.

Deep selectors have changed

In the style elements of your Vue components (look for ui/apos/components subdirectories in your own code), you will need to modernize any v-deep selectors:

// OLD
v-deep .apos-button {...}

// NEW
:deep(.apos-button) {...}

You do not need to touch your ui/src/index.scss or other stylesheets outside of ui/apos and its Vue components at all.

Vue components: JavaScript


In Apostrophe, admin UI components are found in ui/apos/components subdirectories. Check for such subdirectories in your own project-level code before continuing. If you don’t have any, you can move on.

v-model props and events have changed

The names of the props and events automatically used by the v-model feature have changed. If you have implemented the v-model pattern yourself, you will need to update your code:

<!-- These are the props passed by Vue when using v-model.
  In some cases we may want to pass them manually 
  to have more power over what's happening -->

<!-- OLD -->

<!-- NEW -->

Note that in JavaScript code you would therefore access this.modelValue instead of this.value.


An exception: field input components like AposInputRadio still use the input event handler.

Life cycle events have changed

beforeDestroy becomes beforeUnmount and destroyed becomes unmounted.

Vue.set has been removed and is not necessary

The global Vue methods set and delete, and the instance methods $set and $delete, no longer exist. They are no longer required with Vue 3's proxy-based change detection.

// OLD
this.$set(this.personObject, 'bio', bio)

// NEW
this.personObject['bio'] = bio

Vue apps


In Apostrophe, admin UI “apps” are found in ui/apos/apps subdirectories. Check for such subdirectories in your own project-level code before continuing. If you don’t have any, you can move on.

Most projects don’t involve custom Apostrophe Vue “apps,” just custom and overridden Vue components. But, some projects do.

The syntax for instantiating Vue apps has changed in Vue 3. Here’s an example, taken from Apostrophe’s built-in “busy indicator” Vue app:

// OLD
import Vue from 'Modules/@apostrophecms/ui/lib/vue';

export default function() {
  return new Vue({
    el: '#apos-busy',
    render: function (h) {
      return h('TheAposBusy');

// NEW
import createApp from 'Modules/@apostrophecms/ui/lib/vue';

export default function() {
  const component = apos.vueComponents.TheAposBusy;
  const el = document.querySelector('#apos-busy');
  if (!el) {
  const app = createApp(component);

Important things to note:

  • As always, you should import Vue via our official wrapper as shown above.
  • Although Vue 3 doesn’t natively support registering components globally by name, the createApp function, which is new in Vue 3, has been enhanced to automatically register components the same way we did in Vue 2.
  • However, we still need a way to pass a “root” component when creating an app. In your project-level work, you have two options: you can import it in the usual way, or you can do what we’ve done here, accessing it by name on the apos.vueComponents object, which contains all components discovered in the ui/apos/components subdirectories of any module.

Although you normally don’t need to worry about the internal choices we made in our own components, it is worth noting that we replaced certain obsolete packages with new ones that support Vue 3:

  • @apostrophecms/vue-color was replaced by @ckpack/vue-color
  • vuedraggable was replaced by sortablejs-vue3
  • v-tooltip was removed in favor of an internal implementation using @floating-ui/dom (AposContextMenu.vue and the directive v-apos-tooltip were updated, so they work exactly the same as before).
  • vue-material-design-icons has been migrated to @apostrophecms/vue-material-design-icons and packaged for Vue 3, but otherwise left exactly the same so that your icon names will still work without modification.

Additional resources

Thanks to the Vue team’s foresight in maintaining such a large degree of backwards compatibility, these notes cover everything most developers will have to do. However, depending on your implementation other changes could be needed. We recommend that you read the Vue 3 official migration guide. Note that we did not use Vue 3’s “compatibility mode” for this migration, as the changes to support Vue 3 fully turned out to be straightforward.