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Alias: apos.structuredLog

Extends: @apostrophecms/module ℹ️

This module provides structured logging for Apostrophe projects. It intercepts the log notifications emitted by the logDebug(), logInfo(), logWarn(), and logError() methods of every Apostrophe module and creates new objects. These objects can be sent to third-party logging packages and easily filtered based on event-type and severity.


loggerObject/FunctionOptional. Used for outputting logs to third-party packages or custom logging functions.
messageAsStringOptional. If this option is set, it converts the log notification from a string and object to just an object with the messageAs string as a property with the notification string as value.
filterObjectOptional. Takes named objects that determine what log notices are emitted


The logger option can take an object or a function. Any passed function should take apos and return an object of methods. Alternatively, the object can be passed directly to logger. The object should include methods for debug(), info(), warn(), and error(). An example implementation of these methods can be found in the Apostrophe util/lib/logger.js file. Optionally, this object can also include a destroy() method that will be called and awaited during the apostrophe:destroy event. Typically the logger takes a third-party logging package as value.

const { pino } = require('pino');

module.exports = {
  options: {
    logger: pino({
      transport: {
        targets: [
            // output to stdout and stderr
            level: 'debug',
            // if optional pino-pretty package installed
            target: 'pino-pretty',
            options: {}
            // sends error notifications to the error.log file
            level: 'error',
            target: 'pino/file',
            options: {
              destination: './error.log',
              // create the destination file if it does not exist
              mkdir: true
            // sends all notifications to the combined.log file
            level: 'debug',
            target: 'pino/file',
            options: {
              destination: './combined.log',
              mkdir: true
    messageAs: 'msg'


Some third-party logging packages require an object for each log event. Setting the messageAs option to a string will convert the returned log notification from a string plus an object to an object only. The value of this option will be used as a key in the new object and the notification string will be added as value.

For example:

self.logError('event-type', 'notification message', { key: 'value' });

Will log:

'current-module-name: event-type: notification message',
  type: 'event-type',
  severity: 'error',
  module: 'current-module-name',
  key: 'value'

If the messageAs is set to a string of myMessage, instead the log will return:

  type: 'event-type',
  severity: 'error',
  module: 'current-module-name',
  key: 'value',
  myMessage: 'current-module-name: event-type: notification message'

The string value for messageAs will depend on the logging package being used. Several examples are presented in the logging section of the guide.


The filter option allows for the selection of a subset of log notifications. It takes an object of named sub-objects. The name for each of the sub-objects should either be a module name, like @apostrophecms/login, or an * wildcard to indicate that the filtering rules should apply to all modules. Each sub-object can have two properties. The severity key takes an array of strings for each severity level that is allowed for the named module. If using the stock log methods, valid values are debug, info, warn, and error. The events key takes an array of strings for event-type names that are allowed for the named module. These event-type names are passed as the first argument to the @apostrophecms/module module logging methods.

module.exports = {
  options: {
    logger: 'pino',
    messageAs: 'msg',
    filter: {
      // By module name, or *. We can specify any mix of severity levels and specific event types,
      // and entries are kept if *either* criterion is met
      '*': {
        severity: [ 'warn', 'error' ]
      'apostrophecms/login': {
        events: [ 'success', 'failure' ]

These filters can also be passed through an environment variable, APOS_FILTER_LOGS. For example, the filters passed through this index.js example would be:

export APOS_FILTER_LOGS='*:severity:warn,error;@apostrophecms/login:events:success,failure'